Samstag, 28. März 2009
Heinz Baked Beans
Frühstücksbuffet im "Denkmal". / Breakfast buffet in the "Denkmal".
*LOL at myself* I haven't eaten beans for approx. 20 years, used to buy Heinz tins in the past and eat beans on toast for dinner. My kids only said "yuck".
Freitag, 27. März 2009
Klassentreffen / Class reunion
Heute habe ich eine Einladung zum Klassentreffen bekommen, 30 Jahre nach dem Abitur 1979. Das letzte Treffen war vor 5 Jahren. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt und hoffe, daß noch einige kommen werden, die vor 5 Jahren nicht dabei waren.
Nachfolgend ein Bild meines Gymnasiums, immerhin hatte ich dort 9 (manchmal qualvolle) Jahre verbracht.
Today I have received an invitation for our class reunion, 30 years after our A-levels 1979. The last reunion was 5 years ago. Now I'm really curious and hope that some ladies will turn up who weren't there 5 years ago.
See the following picture of my secondary high school, after all I had spent 9 (sometimes painful) years there.
Nachfolgend ein Bild meines Gymnasiums, immerhin hatte ich dort 9 (manchmal qualvolle) Jahre verbracht.
Today I have received an invitation for our class reunion, 30 years after our A-levels 1979. The last reunion was 5 years ago. Now I'm really curious and hope that some ladies will turn up who weren't there 5 years ago.
See the following picture of my secondary high school, after all I had spent 9 (sometimes painful) years there.
Donnerstag, 26. März 2009
Slumdog Millionaire

Ein Film, den ich aufsaugen möchte, den ich nochmal sehen möchte, dessen Geschichte ich auswendig lernen möchte. Ich könnte jetzt von den Farben, von den Kindern, von der Lebendigkeit des Films schwärmen, von der Liebesgeschichte, der Beharrlichkeit und Herzlichkeit eines Mannes. Aber auch die Gegensätze bleiben haften: die Brutalität und Gewalt, die Slums und Müllberge, die Armut und das Elend. Ein Film voller Gegensätze, ein unglaubliches Feuerwerk. Ich wußte nicht mehr, ob ich auf die Musik oder auf die Bilder achten sollte, und ich weiß nur eines: ich will alles haben: den Film und den Soundtrack und zwar sofort.
A film which I'd like to absorb, to see again, a story that I'll want to learn by heart. I could enthuse over the colours, the children, the liveliness of the film, over the lovestory, the insistence and heartiness of a man. But I'm also stuck to the contrasts: the brutality and violence, the slums and heaps of rubbish, the poverty and misery. A film full of contrasts, unbelievable fireworks. I did not know what to follow more, the music or the pictures but I know for sure that I'll want everything: the film and the soundtrack, now.
A film which I'd like to absorb, to see again, a story that I'll want to learn by heart. I could enthuse over the colours, the children, the liveliness of the film, over the lovestory, the insistence and heartiness of a man. But I'm also stuck to the contrasts: the brutality and violence, the slums and heaps of rubbish, the poverty and misery. A film full of contrasts, unbelievable fireworks. I did not know what to follow more, the music or the pictures but I know for sure that I'll want everything: the film and the soundtrack, now.
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009
Bienvenue à la Cinémathèque
Schon als Kind habe ich es geliebt, ins Kino zu gehen. Erst recht als Teenie, da war es schließlich dunkel, der aktuellste Flirtpartner oder Freund saß neben mir, die ersten Annäherungsversuche fanden dort statt, es durfte ungehemmt und unbeoachtet Händchen gehalten werden, später wurde auch ein ganzer Film hemmungslos ver-knutscht. Die Zeiten waren hart, meine Eltern streng und ich durfte nichts mit Jungen zu tun haben. Aber ins Kino durfte ich immer. Offensichtlich war das eine Folge der kulturellen Befreiung meiner Eltern, denn in der damaligen CSSR waren Kinos zwar nicht rar, aber die Filme nicht sehenswert. Ein schönes Highlight meiner Jugendzeit war übrigens ein Kinobesuch gemeinsam mit meinen Eltern: 1975, als „Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest“ herauskam. Einen Film vom Landsmann Milos Forman durfte man sich nicht entgehen lassen. Ich war damals 15 und soweit ich weiß, hätte ich eigentlich nicht mit ins Kino gehen dürfen. Just zu dieser Zeit aber hielt sich meine englische Brieffreundin Julie in Dortmund auf und da sie ein Jahr älter war und sowieso älter aussah (sorry, Julie!) durften wir beide rein ins Kino. (Der Film selbst ist hier nicht das Thema, er war und ist heute noch genial). Es gab damals so viele Kinos in Dortmund, in fast allen Vororten und die in der Innenstadt hatten noch richtige Podien und echte schwere Vorhänge. Das hat sich natürlich geändert und als vor Jahren (vor wie vielen eigentlich?) das Cinestar aufmachte, fing das Kinosterben an. In den Vororten sowieso. Genau darum sei hier an dieser Stelle die Lobeshymne an die drei Programmkinos gesungen: die Schauburg (von einem einstigen schmuddeligen Pornokino in ein echtes Schmuckstück umgebaut), das Roxy und die Camera. Das Roxy war eine zeitlang mein zweites Zuhause und das türkische Lokal daneben sowieso. Das türkische Lokal gibt es leider auch nicht mehr, aber die Kinos sehr wohl, Dank der Bürgerinitiativen der Dortmunder Bürger, speziell aus der Nordstadt und aus dem Kreuzviertel, Dank der gleichbleibenden Besucherzahlen. Heute Abend gehe ich mit meiner Freundin ins Kino, wir werden uns den Film „Slumdog Millionnaire“ ansehen und obwohl dieser Film (Oscar sei Dank) auch im Cinestar läuft, werden wir einen großen Bogen darum machen und zur Camera fahren.
Going to the cinema has always been my passion, even as a kid and especially as a teen. After all, it was dark and the current flirt date or boyfriend sat next to me while the first approaches were made. Hands were held passionately and unobserved, later most of the film went by unseen due to heavy snogging. Times were hard, my parents were strict and I was not allowed to hang out with boys. But I was always allowed to go to the cinema. Obviously, this had something to do with my parents' cultural liberation because although cinemas were not rare in the former CSSR, the films were not worth seeing. An unforgotten highlight of my youth was a visit to the cinema together with my parents in 1975, when „One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest“ came out. A film by compatriot Milos Forman was not to be missed. I was only 15 at that time and as far as I remember not allowed to see this film but my English penfriend Julie was staying with us in Dortmund and as she was one year older and even looked older than that (sorry, Julie!) we were admitted. (The film itself is not today's topic, it was and it is a brilliant film). There were so many cinemas in Dortmund, in most of the suburbs and the ones in the town centre had real stages and big heavy curtains. Of course this has changed and when the Cinestar opened in Dortmund (how many years ago exactly?) the big cinema dying followed, in any case in the suburbs. That's precisely why I'd like to sing a hymn of praise on the three independent cinemas of Dortmund: the Schauburg (rebuilt from a former grubby porn cinema to a real jewel), the Roxy and the Camera. The Roxy had been my second home for a while and the Turkish restaurant next to it anyway. The Turkish restaurant does no longer exist but very so the cinemas, thanks to the citizen's action groups of the Dortmund citizens, especially from the Northern part of Dortmund and the so-called Kreuzviertel, and thanks to the continuous numbers of visitors. Tonight, I'm going to see the film „Slumdog Millionnaire“ with my friend and even though it plays in the Cinestar (thanks to Oscar) we will avoid that place and go to the Camera.
Going to the cinema has always been my passion, even as a kid and especially as a teen. After all, it was dark and the current flirt date or boyfriend sat next to me while the first approaches were made. Hands were held passionately and unobserved, later most of the film went by unseen due to heavy snogging. Times were hard, my parents were strict and I was not allowed to hang out with boys. But I was always allowed to go to the cinema. Obviously, this had something to do with my parents' cultural liberation because although cinemas were not rare in the former CSSR, the films were not worth seeing. An unforgotten highlight of my youth was a visit to the cinema together with my parents in 1975, when „One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest“ came out. A film by compatriot Milos Forman was not to be missed. I was only 15 at that time and as far as I remember not allowed to see this film but my English penfriend Julie was staying with us in Dortmund and as she was one year older and even looked older than that (sorry, Julie!) we were admitted. (The film itself is not today's topic, it was and it is a brilliant film). There were so many cinemas in Dortmund, in most of the suburbs and the ones in the town centre had real stages and big heavy curtains. Of course this has changed and when the Cinestar opened in Dortmund (how many years ago exactly?) the big cinema dying followed, in any case in the suburbs. That's precisely why I'd like to sing a hymn of praise on the three independent cinemas of Dortmund: the Schauburg (rebuilt from a former grubby porn cinema to a real jewel), the Roxy and the Camera. The Roxy had been my second home for a while and the Turkish restaurant next to it anyway. The Turkish restaurant does no longer exist but very so the cinemas, thanks to the citizen's action groups of the Dortmund citizens, especially from the Northern part of Dortmund and the so-called Kreuzviertel, and thanks to the continuous numbers of visitors. Tonight, I'm going to see the film „Slumdog Millionnaire“ with my friend and even though it plays in the Cinestar (thanks to Oscar) we will avoid that place and go to the Camera.
Sonntag, 22. März 2009
Der Vorleser / The Reader
Heute habe ich mir den Film "Der Vorleser" angesehen mit einer hervorragenden Kate Winslet, David Kross und Ralph Fiennes. So konnte ich
a) zu Hause bleiben,*
b) meine schlechte Stimmung dramatisieren und
c) hemmungslos weinen.
Und Kate war das Beste, was diesem Film passieren konnte, ich bin heilfroh, daß Nicole Kidman ausgestiegen ist.
*) Manchmal freue ich mich über schlechtes Wetter, weil ich dann keinen Fuß vor die Tür setzen "muß", ich bin in der Woche genug unterwegs.
Today I saw the film "The Reader" with an outstanding Kate Winslet, David Kross and Ralph Fiennes. It enabled me to
a) stay at home,*
b) dramatise my bad mood and
c) cry uncontrolled.
And Kate was simply great in this film, I'm glad that Nicole Kidman backed out.
*) Sometimes I enjoy having bad weather because then I don't "have" to step out, I'm on the go more than enough during the week.

a) zu Hause bleiben,*
b) meine schlechte Stimmung dramatisieren und
c) hemmungslos weinen.
Und Kate war das Beste, was diesem Film passieren konnte, ich bin heilfroh, daß Nicole Kidman ausgestiegen ist.
*) Manchmal freue ich mich über schlechtes Wetter, weil ich dann keinen Fuß vor die Tür setzen "muß", ich bin in der Woche genug unterwegs.
Today I saw the film "The Reader" with an outstanding Kate Winslet, David Kross and Ralph Fiennes. It enabled me to
a) stay at home,*
b) dramatise my bad mood and
c) cry uncontrolled.
And Kate was simply great in this film, I'm glad that Nicole Kidman backed out.
*) Sometimes I enjoy having bad weather because then I don't "have" to step out, I'm on the go more than enough during the week.

Samstag, 21. März 2009
Endlich ... / Finally ...
... hat Dortmund 1:0 gegen Werder Bremen gewonnen. / ... Dortmund has won 1:0 vs. Werder Bremen.
Bewegung / Exercise: 40 min. Crosstrainer.
Bewegung / Exercise: 40 min. Crosstrainer.
Donnerstag, 19. März 2009
Kuchenmonster / Cake monster

Bewegung: 55 min. Crosstrainer.
I'm addicted. To poppy-seed cake. To cheesecake. To Czech plum cakes. And Pasteis de Nata. - This morning I've seen the most beautiful cheesecake on Bellaphon's blog page and dreaded a long and dreary day at work without any cake. Coincidence does not exist and when my man brought me a bread roll this morning he gave me a large piece of poppy-seed cake. Just like this, for me only. I treasured it for the afternoon and consumed it together with a nice cup of black coffee (increased addiction: poppy-seed cake AND coffee). Not 10 minutes later a colleague returned to the office and held a full tray of poppy-seed cakes in his hands. Noone had to persuade me, I voluntarily ate another large piece.
Exercise: 55 min. Crosstrainer.
Mittwoch, 18. März 2009
Love is in the air

Mein Chef hat heute nachmittag geheiratet und uns – das Verkaufsteam der Kettenfabrik – eingeladen. Die Hochzeit fand im Kettenschmiede-Museum in Fröndenberg statt und das Paar mußte am Schluß der Zeremonie zwei Kettenglieder schmieden. Das kleine Museum war nur mit Teelichtern erleuchtet, was für eine sehr romantische Stimmung sorgte.
Wir hätten uns heute schon tagsüber fotografieren sollen: überall nur Anzüge, Krawatten, Röcke und Kleider, alles sehr stilvoll.
My boss got married this afternoon and had invited us – the sales team of a chain producing company. The wedding took place in the chain forging museum of Fröndenberg and the couple had to forge two chain links at the end of the ceremony. The museum was lit with small candles which created a totally romantic atmosphere.
We should have taken some photos during the day: suits, ties, skirts and dresses everywhere, very stylish.
Samstag, 14. März 2009
Bewegung / Exercise: 50 min. Crosstrainer.
Und ca. 20 mal 3 Etagen Treppen runter und Treppen rauf mit Wäsche: ungewaschen, gewaschen, getrocknet. Alles in allem ein ganz normaler Samstag mit schönem Frühstück, Lebensmittel einkaufen und Wäsche. DH ist ein Engel und wäscht mein Auto (natürlich hat er zuerst seins gewaschen und dachte, er kommt davon ...).
And approx. 20 times 3 floors downstairs and upstairs with laundry: unwashed, washed, dried. All in all a totally normal Saturday with nice breakfast, grocery shopping and laundry. DH is an angel and washes my car (of course he did his first and thought he could get away with it ...).
Und ca. 20 mal 3 Etagen Treppen runter und Treppen rauf mit Wäsche: ungewaschen, gewaschen, getrocknet. Alles in allem ein ganz normaler Samstag mit schönem Frühstück, Lebensmittel einkaufen und Wäsche. DH ist ein Engel und wäscht mein Auto (natürlich hat er zuerst seins gewaschen und dachte, er kommt davon ...).
And approx. 20 times 3 floors downstairs and upstairs with laundry: unwashed, washed, dried. All in all a totally normal Saturday with nice breakfast, grocery shopping and laundry. DH is an angel and washes my car (of course he did his first and thought he could get away with it ...).
Freitag, 13. März 2009
Glückliche 13 / Happy 13
Heute ist der 70. Geburtstag meiner Mutter und DH & ich feiern 9 jähriges Jubiläum (was ich heute morgen in aller Eile vergessen habe). Wir waren alle im Freischütz essen und wollen uns nochmal am Sonntag treffen, wenn alle ausgeschlafen und gesund sind. Diese Woche ist recht ruhig und ereignislos und ich lese viel. Das neue Buch von Elizabeth George "Careless in Red" habe ich jetzt beendet und freue mich auf das nächste Havers & Lynley Abenteuer.
It's my mum's 70th birthday today and DH's & mine 9th anniversary (I totally forgot about that this morning). We went out for a meal to the Freischütz and will meet again on Sunday, when we're all a bit fitter. This week is very quiet, without any big events, and I read a lot. The new book "Careless in Red" by Elizabeth George is finished and I'm looking forward to the next one with more Havers & Lynley adventures.
It's my mum's 70th birthday today and DH's & mine 9th anniversary (I totally forgot about that this morning). We went out for a meal to the Freischütz and will meet again on Sunday, when we're all a bit fitter. This week is very quiet, without any big events, and I read a lot. The new book "Careless in Red" by Elizabeth George is finished and I'm looking forward to the next one with more Havers & Lynley adventures.
Sonntag, 8. März 2009
Fauler Sonntag / Lazy Sunday
OK, nicht ganz so faul: / OK, not that lazy:
Bewegung / Exercise: 45 min. Schwimmen / swimming.
Ich hätte auch draußen schwimmen können, es regnet mal wieder ununterbrochen. Also erklären wir den Sonntag zum Gammeltag und werden gammeln, lesen, stricken und wieder gammeln.
I could have swam outside, it's raining cats and dogs again. Hence, we declare this Sunday a lazy day and will spend it lazying around, reading, knitting and more lazying.
Die nachfolgenden Bilder sind Ausschnitte aus meinem neuen Kleidungsstück.
The following pictures represent parts of my new piece of garment.
Bewegung / Exercise: 45 min. Schwimmen / swimming.
Ich hätte auch draußen schwimmen können, es regnet mal wieder ununterbrochen. Also erklären wir den Sonntag zum Gammeltag und werden gammeln, lesen, stricken und wieder gammeln.
I could have swam outside, it's raining cats and dogs again. Hence, we declare this Sunday a lazy day and will spend it lazying around, reading, knitting and more lazying.
Die nachfolgenden Bilder sind Ausschnitte aus meinem neuen Kleidungsstück.
The following pictures represent parts of my new piece of garment.
Ein Schlafanzug!!! Den haben wir gestern in Münster gesehen und gekauft und ich weiß jetzt schon, daß ich ihn tragen werde, bis er auseinanderfällt.
A pyjama!!! We saw and bought this one in Münster yesterday and I already know that I will wear it until it falls apart.
Samstag, 7. März 2009
Wir waren heute nachmittag in Münster. DH hatte sich vor wenigen Tagen dazu bekannt, noch nie tagsüber dort gewesen zu sein. Wir sind einmal durch die Stadt gegangen, haben am Aasee in der Sonner gesessen und einige schöne Läden besucht. Zum Abschluß eines schönen Tages waren wir in Dortmund thailändisch essen.
We went to Münster this afternoon. A couple of days ago DH had confessed that he has never been there. We walked through the town, enjoyed some sunshine at the Aa lake and visited a couple of nice shops. We had Thai dinner in Dortmund at the end of this sunny day.
Freitag, 6. März 2009
Temptations - Just my Imagination
Remember my club? The one with Gloria Gaynor and Earth, Wind & Fire? Well, to top it all, listen to the Temptations.
This is the best smoochie song ever. And I will share a secret with you (just because I had one champagne too many tonight): this song was my first love's and mine song. There you are, now you know.
Just my imagination, running away with me ... but in reality, she doesn't even know me ...
For the German audience: sorry my dears, no translation tonight. You will have to work this out.
Each day through my window
I watch her as she passes by.
I say to myself, "You're such a lucky guy."
To have a girl like her is truly a dream come true.
Out of all of the fellas in the world she belongs to you...
But it was just my imagination running away with me.
It was just my imagination running away with me...
Soon we'll be married.. and raise a family.
In a cozy, little home out in the country
with two children, maybe three.
I tell you, I can visualize it all.
This couldn't be a dream for too real it all seems.
But it was just my imagination -- once again --running away with me.
I tell you it was just my imagination
running away with me...
Every night, on my knees I pray,"Dear Lord, hear my plea...
don't ever let another take her love from me or I will surely die.."
Ooh, her love is heavenly;
when her arms enfold me,I hear a tender rhapsody...
but in reality, she doesn't even know me
Just my imagination -- once again --running away with me.
Tell you it was just my imagination
running away with me.
I never met her, but I can't forget her.
Just my imagination..-- ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah --
running away with me.
And please do remember the O'Jays: Back Stabbers:
This is the best smoochie song ever. And I will share a secret with you (just because I had one champagne too many tonight): this song was my first love's and mine song. There you are, now you know.
Just my imagination, running away with me ... but in reality, she doesn't even know me ...
For the German audience: sorry my dears, no translation tonight. You will have to work this out.
Each day through my window
I watch her as she passes by.
I say to myself, "You're such a lucky guy."
To have a girl like her is truly a dream come true.
Out of all of the fellas in the world she belongs to you...
But it was just my imagination running away with me.
It was just my imagination running away with me...
Soon we'll be married.. and raise a family.
In a cozy, little home out in the country
with two children, maybe three.
I tell you, I can visualize it all.
This couldn't be a dream for too real it all seems.
But it was just my imagination -- once again --running away with me.
I tell you it was just my imagination
running away with me...
Every night, on my knees I pray,"Dear Lord, hear my plea...
don't ever let another take her love from me or I will surely die.."
Ooh, her love is heavenly;
when her arms enfold me,I hear a tender rhapsody...
but in reality, she doesn't even know me
Just my imagination -- once again --running away with me.
Tell you it was just my imagination
running away with me.
I never met her, but I can't forget her.
Just my imagination..-- ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah --
running away with me.
And please do remember the O'Jays: Back Stabbers:
BVB & Schalke 04 - ewige Rivalen / eternal rivals

Am Mittwoch Abend waren wir mit einer Freundin im Herner Theater „Mondpalast“ und haben das Stück „Ronaldo & Julia“ gesehen (in Anlehnung an Romeo & Julia). Es ging um zwei benachbarte & verfeindete Kneipenwirte und ihre Familien, deren Kinder sich verliebt haben. Allerdings hatte die Sache den Haken, daß der Junge zum Schalke-Clan und das Mädchen zum BVB-Clan gehörten. Das alles in bestem Ruhrpottslang vorgetragen sorgte für einen amüsanten und kurzweiligen Theaterabend. Natürlich war sich das Publikum zusammen mit den Darstellern sehr einig, daß man gemeinsam nur EIN Feindbild hatte: Bayern München. Just an diesem Abend spielte Bayer Leverkusen gegen Bayern München im DFB-Pokal und gewann 4:2. Einer der Schauspieler verkündete dieses Ergebnis nach der Aufführung und sorgte für noch mehr Begeisterung im Publikum.
On Wednesday evening we visited the theatre „Mondpalast“ in Herne together with a friend. We saw the play „Ronaldo & Julia“ (following Romeo & Julia) which was about two next-door pub owners & their families whose kids fell in love. However, the boy belonged to the Schalke and the girl to the BVB clan. The play was presented in best Ruhr area slang and was ever so amusing. Of course the audience and the actors agreed on ONE mutual bogeyman: Bayern München. Just this evening Bayer Leverkusen and Bayern München played in the German cup and Leverkusen won 4:2. One of the actors announced this result after the play and made the audience go crazy.
On Wednesday evening we visited the theatre „Mondpalast“ in Herne together with a friend. We saw the play „Ronaldo & Julia“ (following Romeo & Julia) which was about two next-door pub owners & their families whose kids fell in love. However, the boy belonged to the Schalke and the girl to the BVB clan. The play was presented in best Ruhr area slang and was ever so amusing. Of course the audience and the actors agreed on ONE mutual bogeyman: Bayern München. Just this evening Bayer Leverkusen and Bayern München played in the German cup and Leverkusen won 4:2. One of the actors announced this result after the play and made the audience go crazy.
Donnerstag, 5. März 2009
Sonntag, 1. März 2009
Bewegung / Exercise: 40 min. Crosstrainer, 10 min. rudern / rowing.

Unsere Schule bot als Sportart Tennis und Rudern an. Ich habe mich sofort für Rudern entschieden und es nie bereut. Selten hat Schulsport so viel Freude bereitet wie damals. Wir verbrachten den halben Donnerstag nachmittag auf dem Dortmund-Ems-Kanal, im Achter, Vierer, Zweier und zum Schluß im Einer (und Karen, danke nochmal für die schönen und schmutzigen Seemannslieder). Darum war meine Freude groß, als ich bei McFit die Rudergeräte sah. Leider brachten sie mir letztes Jahr einige Male Rückenschmerzen und sind offensichtlich untrainiert oder mit der falschen Technik mit Vorsicht zu genießen.
Our school offered tennis and rowing in sports. I went for rowing without hesitation and have never regretted it. It was so much fun und we spent half of Thursday afternoons at the Dortmund-Ems canal, in eight, four, pair and finally single rowing boats (and Karen, thanks again for the lovely and dirty sailors songs). That's why I was really glad when I spotted the rowing machines at McFit. Unfortunately, they caused me some back pains last year and are obviously to be used with care when untrained or with a bad technique.

Unsere Schule bot als Sportart Tennis und Rudern an. Ich habe mich sofort für Rudern entschieden und es nie bereut. Selten hat Schulsport so viel Freude bereitet wie damals. Wir verbrachten den halben Donnerstag nachmittag auf dem Dortmund-Ems-Kanal, im Achter, Vierer, Zweier und zum Schluß im Einer (und Karen, danke nochmal für die schönen und schmutzigen Seemannslieder). Darum war meine Freude groß, als ich bei McFit die Rudergeräte sah. Leider brachten sie mir letztes Jahr einige Male Rückenschmerzen und sind offensichtlich untrainiert oder mit der falschen Technik mit Vorsicht zu genießen.
Our school offered tennis and rowing in sports. I went for rowing without hesitation and have never regretted it. It was so much fun und we spent half of Thursday afternoons at the Dortmund-Ems canal, in eight, four, pair and finally single rowing boats (and Karen, thanks again for the lovely and dirty sailors songs). That's why I was really glad when I spotted the rowing machines at McFit. Unfortunately, they caused me some back pains last year and are obviously to be used with care when untrained or with a bad technique.
Impressionen unseres heutigen Spaziergangs. / Impressions of our today's walk.
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